More enjoyable trip to Hachimantai and Appi, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
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Privacy Policy

  • About the Management Company

    This website is managed and operated by Hachimantai DMO, Inc.

    Management Company Information

    • Representative: TERADA Masahiro
    • Address: 1-590-497 Matsuoyoriki, Hachimantai, Iwate 028-7302 (in Northern Grande Hachimantai)
    • Phone number: 050-8890-5563
    • Hours: 9:00 - 18:00 weekdays

    Collection and Use of Personal Information

    The Operator collects and uses the following personal information to the extent necessary to provide services

    • Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address
    • Reservation information and service usage history

    Purpose of use:.

    • Arrange reservations and provide services
    • Customer support and inquiry handling
    • Service improvement and marketing activities
    • Compliance and Regulatory Compliance

    Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information

    The Operator may share personal information with its partners as necessary. In addition, personal information may be disclosed in response to legal requests.

    Protection of Personal Information

    The operator takes appropriate security measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

    User Rights

    Users may request access, correction, or deletion of their personal information.

    Privacy Policy Changes

    The Operator will review the contents of the Privacy Policy from time to time and revise it as necessary. Any changes will be notified on the website.

    Contact Us

    For inquiries regarding this policy, please call  050-8890-5563Or please use our inquiry form.
