More enjoyable trip to Hachimantai and Appi, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
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Hachimantai is so full of wondrous natural scenery that it can be hard to know where to start but we’ve turned to the experts – the locals. Here we’ll introduce three locations loved by locals but not as well-known amongst visitors, so you can wander off the beaten path and discover something new in this natural resort.

Fudo Falls

Head north along National Highway 282 past Appi Kogen, turn right under the big red torii gate and continue up the winding road… Here, hidden away in a secluded forest, you’ll find a local favorite: the spectacular Fudo Falls.
Chosen as one of Japan's 100 Best Waterfalls, Fudo Falls is located within the grounds of the ethereal and Studio Ghibli-esque Sakuramatsu Shrine. The spectacular 15-meter sheer vertical drop sprays white water and is thought to have been previously visited by practitioners of shugendo (mountain asceticism). The falls are a short walk from the parking lot through the shrine grounds where you are welcome to pray or write your wishes on an ema board (especially popular around New Year’s). If you continue over the quaint red bridge in front of the falls you can enjoy a gentle 20-minute walk following the stream back to the parking lot.
Fudo Falls is beautiful in every season, however, due care is needed in winter when the roads are covered in snow. Public transport to the falls is limited so you will need your own wheels to get here or enquire at your accommodation about local tours.

Goshiki Pond

Goshiki Pond (also referred to as Aka-numa) translates literally to “five colors”. Minerals found in this deep and mysterious caldera lake cause it to change color throughout the year; ranging from a stunning cobalt blue in the heat of summer (around mid-August) to a golden yellow amongst the autumn leaves.
Gozaisho Pond is directly adjacent and quite beautiful, though it lacks the unique coloring of its neighbor. You can take a break in the small gazebo that provides a view of both ponds, maybe even bring a picnic.
Goshikinuma (early October)
Goshikinuma (early October)Photo courtesy of Hachimantai Tourist Association

Goshiki Pond is located within Towada-Hachimantai National Park approximately 15 minutes’ walk from the Gozaisho parking lot and toilets (the Hachimantai Nature Explorer Bus also stops here) about halfway along the Hachimantai Aspite Line. While the walk itself does not require special footwear, this marsh area is often wet underfoot and so we recommend wearing waterproof shoes.

Appi Kogen Secondary Beech Forest

Up in the Appi Highlands, past the world-renowned ski resort and only accessible during the warmer months, where an ancient beech forest once stood a new 'secondary forest' is taking its place. The original forests of Appi Kogen were extensively logged to produce charcoal, lacquerware and other items, but several large trees remained dropping seeds that grew into saplings, gradually regenerating the forest. Today, a vast secondary beech forest has grown up, restoring the area to its former beauty.

Chosen as one of Japan’s 100 best locations for 'forest bathing', the Appi Kogen Secondary Beech Forest is the perfect place to relax and get back in touch with nature. Forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku in Japanese, is the simple act of spending time in nature and studies suggest it can improve both physical and mental health.

Take a walk through the forest from Appi Kogen Beech Station and all your senses will be engaged by the sun shining through the canopy, the sound of the breeze through the leaves, and the warm embrace of the earth under your feet. In autumn when the leaves change color and fall, it is as if the ground is covered in a soft blanket.
Please note that bears are active in all of the above locations and appropriate precautions should be taken.More information can be found in this blog article.

All information listed was confirmed at the time of publication. No responsibility is taken for changes made by third parties after this time.
