Asiatic black bears, known as tsuki-no-wa-guma in Japanese, inhabit the islands of Honshu and Shikoku including Hachimantai City. While naturally timid creatures, there has been an increase in bear sightings in recent years. Due care should be taken when entering or hiking in mountainous areas where these bears live.
When going into the mountains:
- Check the “Bears” Information System before you leave (see below)
- Avoid going into the mountains alone, or at dawn or dusk
- Carry a bell or a radio to make noise and alert bears of your presence (they are naturally shy)
- Carry bear spray
- If you see bear droppings or footprints, turn back
- So as not to attract bears, do not discard any rubbish in the mountains (take it home with you)
If you come across a bear:
- Do not run away! Do not turn your back!
- Quietly put down anything you are carrying (backpack, etc.) to divert attention
- Without taking your eyes off the bear, back away slowly and quietly
- Put an obstacle like a tree or a rock between you and the bear
- Being mindful of the wind direction, use a bear spray
- If the bear attacks you, cover your face and head with both hands
- Curl your body into a ball facing the ground to protect yourself
“Bears” Information System
Hachimantai City has developed a system to provide information on bear sightings in real-time using crowd-sourced data.
To access the system, you first need to add Hachimantai City's official account as a 'friend' on the popular messaging app LINE.
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